Funeral Cover

Funeral Cover gets grouped together with Life Cover, because it pays on death.
Some companies might even include a portion of Funeral Cover in their Life Cover offering.

The difference between Funeral Cover and Life Cover, is that Funeral Cover pays out within 48 hours after all claim paper-work has been submitted. Because the claim is processed faster and some factors might get over-looked, the additional risk is built into the premium. Therefor, Funeral Cover is more expensive than Life Cover.

The fact that Funeral cover is more expensive has not deterred the Mass-Market, as it is by far the most popular product. Cultural trends throughout history has emphasized the importance of a proper burial. This can be seen in Roman and Egyptian traditions and are definitely a contributing factor to the trend in Africa.

The Purpose of Funeral Cover is also Different to Life Cover. Funeral Cover provides immediate liquidity that provides for:
– The Burial
– Immediate Expenses to maintain dependents lifestyle
– Clearing debt

To compare to the purpose of Life Cover read the article titled:
“The purpose of Life Cover

There is also a tendency to take up cover for Extended family members. If you are responsible for a parent or family member, it might be better to have excess cover amounts fully underwritten and ceded to you.

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